Ellie from Shrewsbury
Ellie and her Peter, collected our Shropshire based Thorn Discovery tandem at the end of August 2024. They previously borrowed a tandem from us ten years ago. More details and a photo are to follow.
R from Stoke
R and her Mum, Sarah, swapped our North Staffordshire based Weehoo for our Buddybike at the end of August 2024. More details and a photo are to follow.
Aiden from Castleford
Aiden's Dad, Rob, collected our Wirral based Draisin Wheelchair tandem trike at the end of August 2024. More details and a photo are to follow.
Raphi from Brigg
Raphi and his Dad, Rich, collected our North Yorkshire based Viking Saratoga tandem at the end of August 2024.
Dave from Everton
Dave collected our Lancashire based Konnekt2 tandem at the end of August 2024. More details and a photo are to follow.
Dora from Sinnington
Dora and her Mum, Sarah, collected our North Yorkshire based Schwinn tandem in late August 2024. Sarah told our Facebook group, "Thank you so much! We love it!"
Willow from Warwickshire
Willow and her Mum, Georgie, collected our Warwickshire based Weehoo tag-along in late August 2024. A few days later Georgie wrote, "Well…I could cry happy tears. First family ride….ever! After Sundays almost refusal, we tried again Monday with Daddy holding our hand. Today, we got straight on, buckled in, no bribes and did over 5 1/2 miles. Something I’d never thought we would ever do."
Isaac from Runcorn
Isaac and his Mum, Zoe, swapped our Lancashire based Thorn Kiddyback for our Lancashire based Orbit in in late August 2024. Zoe wrote, "Hi, just been for a ride around the town to test the new bike out. It was a much better fit for Isaac."
Abigail from Morecambe
Abigail and her Dad, Mike, swapped our Lancashire based Thorn Kiddyback for our Lancashire based Orbit in in late August 2024. Mike posted a video of them in action in mid-September on our Facebook group and wrote, "Thanks to David, Lancashire Helper, we got Abi going on the Prom in Morecambe yesterday! Now she's got her confidence up we're looking forward to some new cycling adventures and opportunities."
Russ from Swindon
Russ had our Berkshire based Landescape tandem in mid-August 2024. Russ was piloted by John, our Treasurer and Berkshire Helper, at the Superhero triathlon at Dorney Lake. John has written,
"Russ did the swimming first with an assistant, then we did the cycling on the Landscape with volunteers cheering him on the tarmac track alongside the lake, then another volunteer ran the final stage with him
It's a participation event not a race."
"Russ did the swimming first with an assistant, then we did the cycling on the Landscape with volunteers cheering him on the tarmac track alongside the lake, then another volunteer ran the final stage with him
It's a participation event not a race."
John from Warwickshire
John and his Mum, Maria, borrowed our Berkshire based Duet wheelchair tandem in mid-August 2024 for the Super Hero Triathlon at Dorney Lake. Maria wrote, "Andrew did an fantastic crotch strap with a rescue cord and a carabiner!!! John sat really well all the way round, I had my phone playing music and he stayed awake for most of it, I think he had a ball!!! It was hard work, but utterly fantastic, we did the full 4 laps, it too about 1hr 40mins, I was pooped, Andrew did the run portion!!! I think John got a nice picture of us at the start, all I have is me testing it. Many thanks!!!!!!"
Our Berkshire Helper, a different John, has added, "Herewith a photo at the start, John was put in a canoe and towed by his mother with his brother also in the canoe."
Our Berkshire Helper, a different John, has added, "Herewith a photo at the start, John was put in a canoe and towed by his mother with his brother also in the canoe."
Ethan from Ruthin
Ethan and his Mum, Lisa, collected our Shropshire based Viking Timber Trail tandem in mid-August 2024. Lisa told our Facebook group, "So we visited our host Ray on Monday to collect a tandem. Ethan was very apprehensive at first and wouldn’t get on it but after seeing how much fun his friend and I had on it he has been out tonight and we did a lovely long bike ride "
Harriet from Harrogate
Harriet and her Mum, Barbara, collected our North Yorkshire based KHS Sausage Dog tandem in mid-August 2024. At the start of September, Barbara told our Facebook group, "We are so grateful to have received a tandem and are slowly getting used to it (many bashed legs from turning pedals ) Now Harriet can keep up with us all, and we are looking forward to some autumn rides out."
Seth from Bristol
Seth and his Mum, Amy, and his Dad collected one of our Gloucestershire based black Thorn Kiddyback tandems in mid-August 2024. They collected it on the same day that it was bought by the charity. More details and a photo are to follow.
Harry from Woodmancote
Harry's Mum, Vicky, and sister, Lucy, collected our Gloucestershire based Weehoo Two tag-along in early August 2024. Here is he is with his younger brother. Vicky told our Facebook group, "First try out on our double Weehoo - the boys loved it
Thanks #charlottestandems"
Thanks #charlottestandems"
Carol from Reading
Carol and friend, John, collected our Surrey based Dawes Duet tandem in early August 2024. Here she is with friends on their maiden voyage.
Penelope from Kirkby in Ashfield
Penelope and her Mum, Rachael, collected our Derbyshire based Mission Piggyback tag-along trike in early August 2024. Here she is with her sister. Rachael wrote that Tony (our Derbyshire Helper) "... was so helpful with getting it all sorted".
Edward from Eldersfield
Edward and his parents and sister collected our Gloucestershire based Viking Companion tandem in early August 2024.
Rudy from Appley Bridge
Rudy and his Dad, Steve, collected our Lancashire based Dawes Galaxy tandem in early August 2024. Here they are on their test ride. Helper David told our Facebook group, "Thanks very much to J D Tandems of Gargrave, for building a new rear wheel on the original Hub at very short notice. The family can now ride the Leeds Liverpool canal tow path, as it has recently been resurfaced near their home."
Alex from Nottingham
Alex and his Mum, Ruth, collected our Derby based Ammaco tandem at the start of August 2024. It is the second tandem that they have borrowed from us. More details and a photo are to follow.